HIP-FINCO Reads Interactive Reading Corner Teacher’s Toolkit

The HIP-FINCO Reads Interactive Reading Corner initiative is designed primarily for upper primary school students, any teacher can download this toolkit and take inspiration or adapt materials to suit students of different ages and ability levels. Interactive Reading Corners are used widely by teachers as a springboard to conduct different kinds of extensive reading activities with their students.

This IRC Toolkit provides ideas for setting up an IRC in your classroom or school, ideas for engaging ways you can incorporate extensive reading activities into your classroom.

SECTION 2: Setting up an Interactive Reading Corner

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English & Bahasa Melayu letter templates requesting Corporate Sponsorship

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English & Bahasa Melayu visuals and suggested message texts to request from corporates.

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English & Bahasa Melayu Book Drop Posters. Use these posters to ask the public to deposit their new or second-hand books. The posters come with tips and instructions to help you maximise the reach.

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English & Bahasa Melayu Book Drive Posters. Send these posters to JPN, PPD, parents and anyone you think would love to contribute to your project! The posters come with tips and suggestions to help you maximise the reach.

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English & Bahasa Melayu social media and messaging visuals. Upload or send these visuals on social media and to your friends and family members to encourage everyone to donate their books. The visuals come with suggested captions which you can easily reshare.

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Suggested Activity: IRC Rules; Dos’ and Don’ts’. This activity aims to create guidelines for using the IRC effectively. Students participate in group activities to collectively compile a list of what should be done (dos) and what should be avoided (don’ts) in the IRC.

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Suggested Activity: The Five Finger Test. One way of helping your students select a book that is appropriate for their language proficiency is by using the Five Finger Test.

SECTION 3: Ideas for Extensive Reading Activities

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Suggested Activity: Fiction Genre Cake. This activity aims to introduce students to different genres and get them interested in exploring books. Students can identify the different genres, by matching the genre to the descriptions, images and book titles.

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Suggested Activity: Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Students will learn how to spell and pronounce words through this interactive activity.

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Suggested Activity: Five Finger Retell. This activity helps students remember the important parts of a story, like setting, characters, problem, events, and solution. When students retell the story in their own words, it helps them connect what they know and understand, which is really important for understanding the story.

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Suggested Activity: My Reading Ladder. This activity gets students to document their reading! The My Reading Ladder activity asks students to rank books according to their difficulty level, reflect on their reading habits and make plans for future growth.

SECTION 4: Volunteer Storytellers in the Classroom

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A visual and suggested text message you can send to parents or your Parent Teacher Association to recruit volunteers.

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A volunteer guideline to share with any volunteer storyteller.

Other Useful Resources

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Activity: Play Money. Through this activity, students will have developed their understanding and use of new vocabulary. They get to recall vocabularies, say the vocabularies out loud and connect movement to the meaning of the vocabularies.

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FINCO’s Action Research publication covers evidence-based strategies for impactful English Language teaching and learning! This publication features research outcomes from 14 forward-thinking educators and can provide ideas for enhancing English lessons for primary school students.

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FINCO Reads Year 4 English Teaching Resource Pack (KSSR Semakan) contains ready-to use classroom differentiation materials and formative assessment tasks.

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FINCO Reads Year 4 Teacher Guide (KSSR) presents complete lesson plans and resources for teachers and students in their English reading journey. This Teacher Guide was designed to be accompanied by the corresponding Student Workbook.

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This publication compiles award winning lesson plans from the HIP-FINCO Reads Outstanding Teacher Awards 2020 entries. Use these lesson plans to help your students:

  • Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases.
  • Read for information and enjoyment by using appropriate reading strategies
  • Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media