HIP-FINCO Reads Interactive Reading Corner Teacher’s Toolkit
The HIP-FINCO Reads Interactive Reading Corner initiative is designed primarily for upper primary school students, any teacher can download this toolkit and take inspiration or adapt materials to suit students of different ages and ability levels. Interactive Reading Corners are used widely by teachers as a springboard to conduct different kinds of extensive reading activities with their students.
This IRC Toolkit provides ideas for setting up an IRC in your classroom or school, ideas for engaging ways you can incorporate extensive reading activities into your classroom.
SECTION 2: Setting up an Interactive Reading Corner
SECTION 3: Ideas for Extensive Reading Activities
Suggested Activity: Five Finger Retell. This activity helps students remember the important parts of a story, like setting, characters, problem, events, and solution. When students retell the story in their own words, it helps them connect what they know and understand, which is really important for understanding the story.
Other Useful Resources
This publication compiles award winning lesson plans from the HIP-FINCO Reads Outstanding Teacher Awards 2020 entries. Use these lesson plans to help your students:
- Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases.
- Read for information and enjoyment by using appropriate reading strategies
- Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media